Home Matrix Legacy Products
Identifying a Matrix Legacy Unit

For over 30 years Matrix Test Equipment, Inc. has been the leader in manufacturing RF Signal Generators and Testing Equipment. Many of our units are still running after 20 years thanks to the quality of the components, engineering and manufacturing. All of our units have been been assembled at our facility in New Jersey, and have been shipped all over the world. Many of the units look the same in their iconic "blue box" cabinets, though the internal components may be completely different. The list below should help to clarify what the differences between the units and what is still serviceable.

Note: Typically a label on the lower back of the unit should display the model name and serial number.
Send us an e-mail for more information and any history regarding a specific unit.

SX-16: This was the first Matrix RF Signal Generator. It used a crystal controlled oscillator and was manually controlled to both turn channels on/off and trim frequency.

ASX-16: Sometimes referred to as ASX-16A, this unit was similar to the SX-16 in the way it generated signals, however it was computer controlled. A label on the lower back of the unit should display the model name and serial number.

Both the SX-16 and ASX-16 units were manufactured between 1982 and 1997 and are now considered end of life(EOL). Some of the necessary components needed to meet the original specifications are no longer manufactured so servicing these units is no longer a viable option. Unfortunately, both units are completely unique to the rest of the Matrix product line and parts are not interchangeable.

Note: Anyone seeking to purchase a used unit should proceed with caution as they will not be able to meet original specifications if any repairs are necessary.

SX-16B, SX-16C, ASX-16B, ASX-16B/C, ASX-16C: These units all incorporated newer technology of the time and a complete departure from the power sources of the older "A" units above. These units were manufactured until 2002 when they were replaced by the ASX-16C/P and ASX-16C/D.

These units are all considered EOL and parts are increasingly becoming unavailable. Most issues can be repaired, however certain components are unavailable and may require the module to be replaced or overhauled.
Please contact us to help determine what the options are available. We have a newer module (ASX-16C/P) which can be used as a direct replacement for the the ASX-16B, ASX-16B/C and ASX-16C modules. The manual SX-16B unit shares this similar fate, but the SX-16C modules are still repairable and as such SX-16C modules can be installed in the older SX-16B units.

ASX-16C/P: Replacing the ASX-16B, B/C & C units, the ASX-16C/P unit incorporates enhanced technology. While retaining its Remote Frequency Trim feature, the Model ASX-16C/P also provides carriers that can be adjusted over a linear range of 15 dB with 0.025 dB resolution. This model provides clean, modulated and un-modulated, crystal-controlled, amplitude-variable outputs, up to +57 dBmV per channel.